Assignment 1 Q1. Write a menu driven program for Date in a C. Declare a structure Date having data members day, month, year. Implement the following functions. void initDate(struct Date* ptrDate); void printDateOnConsole(struct Date* ptrDate); void acceptDateFromConsole(struct Date* ptrDate); Q2. Write a menu driven program for Date in a CPP language using structure and also using class. Date is having data members day, month, year. Implement the following functions. void initDate(); void printDateOnConsole(); void acceptDateFromConsole(); bool isLeapYear(); Q3. Write a menu driven program for Student in CPP language. Create a class student with data members roll no, name and marks. Implement the following functions void initStudent(); void printStudentOnConsole(); void acceptStudentFromConsole(); Q4. Create a namespace NStudent. Create the Student class(created as per Q3) inside namespace. Create the object of student and perform accept and display student. in c++ I'd be happy t...