Project Plan for Web-Based Salary Manager Using React, Spring Boot, and Microservices 1. Project Pitch Objec ve: To develop a web-based Salary Manager applica on that allows users to manage their monthly earnings, allocate funds to various categories (SIP, EMIs, extra expenses, and high-growth investments), and calculate returns over a period of 10 years. According to a survey conducted by the Na onal Centre for Financial Educa on (NCFE), only 24% of the Indian populademographic, indica on is financially literate. This includes a significant por on of the youth ng a lack of understanding of financial planning and investment. A report by the Na onal Ins tute of Securi es Markets (NISM) found that 70% of young professionals (ages 18-30) do not invest their savings, leading to missed opportuni es for wealth accumula on. According to a survey by the Reserve Bank of India (RBI), 60% of young earners do not have a structured budget, leading to unplanned expenses and financial stre...